
Help Us Get Dancing Dingo Skin Care in Your Favorite Retail Location
(And get a $50 Gift Certificate!)

Thank you for your interest in spreading the word about Dancing Dingo Skin Care!

Sometimes it’s hard to get a foot in the door when it comes to retail stores, so we’d love to have your assistance and for your efforts we’ll give you a $50 gift certificate!

Sometimes all it may take to get our products into a store near you is your suggestion. So we’ve made it extremely easy for you to ask your retailer to contact us about carrying your favorite skin care line (and to help you save money on shipping!)

So here’s the skinny on what you need to do...

Step 1. Please click here to print out a PDF with our contact info to bring in to your favorite store. Be sure to save the name, phone number and any other relevant store information like phone number and address of the store and department.

Step 2. After you bring in your letter, fill out the form below with the store contact information.

Step 3. We’ll follow up with the store and do our best to make sure they know how tremendous Dancing Dingo is.

Step 4. Once the store you suggested places their first order, you will receive an email from us with a $50 Coupon Code.

Step 5. It is that simple!

Date form brought into store:

Store Name:

Store or Department Manager:

Buyer Email Address:

Store Phone Number:

Store Address:

Your name:

Your email address:

Your phone:

Your address:



Please enter the following code into the box provided: